Hello friends,
We are thrilled to announce that we have 12 new certified Triumph Steps Transformative Coaches (TSTC) that are all working at Healthy Connections, CMHC. In addition, these clinicians have begun a new contract with the Miami Dade County Public School District to work one-on-one with the students in their assigned schools.
From this new contract, our Triumph Steps program will reach students ranging from middle school to high school. These students will be given the tools to understand the connection and power of their thoughts and emotions through posters, audios, truth or dare activities, and more. This program not only allows the student to triumph their school year, but it also gives them emotional literacy to use in every aspect of their life.
With this eight-step formula, starting at a young age, Triumph gives an insight into understanding that happiness is a skill that can be learned. In addition, the awareness gained from the program leads thousands of students to take personal responsibility for their emotions. It allows them to gain dominion over their thoughts which directly affects not only them but others. As a result, students will better understand themselves and learn how to properly communicate with their peers, teachers, families, and friends.
Triumph Steps provides monthly TSTC certification courses to those interested in learning more about our eight-step formula to success. If you are a clinician, teacher, educator, faculty, or seeking personal development, please join us at our next Triumph Steps training on October 25-26. Click here for more information or call us at 305.646.0112.
Join us in this triumphant journey to push humanity forward!