Triumph Steps Events

Love, Luck and Emotional Literacy

Love, Luck and Emotional Literacy

“I find the harder I work, the more luck I seem to have.” Thomas Jefferson Love is a many splendored thing… Love is a battlefield… All you need is Love. Love has been the perennial topic of scholars and poets alike since time began, and it is undoubtedly a crucial...

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Florida Healthy Teen Relationship Month

Florida Healthy Teen Relationship Month

The month of love is declared Florida Healthy Teen Relationship Month by governor Ron DeSantis. Recently, I was watching a TV show with my 15-year-old daughter in which the boyfriend of one of the female characters called her a piece of trash (and a bit more). The...

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The Power of Believing

The Power of Believing

December 2018 Putting out milk and cookies for Santa, mischievous elves on a shelf moving throughout the house, looking out the window hoping to see Rudolph's shiny red nose in the sky… The magic of the Holidays is inextricably linked to the wide-eyed wonder of...

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Discovering a Child’s Passions

Discovering a Child’s Passions

Can you believe that another Labor Day has just passed? Now we are fully back to schedules, homework, projects, deadlines, making sure that we encourage our children, teens, and college kids to get good grades and feel excited about learning. Many parents have asked...

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Advocacy, Use your Voice to Make an Impact

Advocacy, Use your Voice to Make an Impact

Let’s Teach Emotional Literacy in Our Schools! Depression, anxiety, bullying, substance abuse, and suicide are on the rise, and our children need our help. Suicide is the second leading cause of death among people ages 15 to 24 and the 10th leading cause of death...

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Happiness Is a Skill and It Can Be Taught

Happiness Is a Skill and It Can Be Taught

What happened at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School was unthinkable. And maybe that is why it was allowed to happen. We have spent the past few decades not thinking about how to take proactive steps to prevent these tragedies from happening. We have not been...

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Finding Your Purpose This Holiday Season

Finding Your Purpose This Holiday Season

We all know the story of Rudolph the red-nosed reindeer, but if you’ve ever watched the 1964 TV-special by the same name, then you’re well aware of the effects that not finding your purpose can have on our children. The special is a classic, and though parts haven’t...

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Are You Using Fear as an Excuse?

Are You Using Fear as an Excuse?

Do the thing you fear and the death of fear is certain-  Ralph Waldo Emerson Can you remember your biggest fear as a child? Perhaps you were scared of a monster under your bed, or of losing your parents in a large crowd. Now that you are older, you might consider your...

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