Suicide is the Third Leading Cause of Death Among Young Adults
One person commits suicide every 13 minutes. Suicide is also the third leading cause of death for 15-24 year olds, and second for 24-35 year olds, according to the Center for Disease Control. These overwhelming statistics fall hand in hand with the internal unhappiness individuals are feeling. Every 1 out of 3 Americans are dissatisfied with their life.
This is due to the fact that many individuals genuinely have not had a good practice of how to maintain their mental health and stability throughout their lives. TRIUMPH STEPS is an emotional literacy program created by Beatriz Martinez-Peñalver, a psychotherapist with over 25 years of experience. Her ultimate goal is to offer emotional literacy programs within our school systems and in every home, starting as young as preschool.
How Triumph Steps Can Aid in Suicide Prevention
Instilling TRIUMPH STEPS within our education system can certainly decline the suicide, self –harm, and depression rates, simply because this program teaches children from young how exactly to process and handle their thoughts, emotions, and mental health. As important subjects are taught within school such as math, language arts, and sciences; emotional literacy programs should be valued just as high.
Happiness is a skill that can be taught. TRIUMPH STEPS wants to change lives by showing children that they are more than capable of reaching their full potential in anything they do, and that their potential and positive mindset will take them extremely far in their future endeavors no matter what.
Imagine if all schools taught emotional literacy and parents would reinforce it at home? If you believe that emotional literacy should be in every school please email and we can guide you in having your voice be heard to make an impact at the Florida Constitution Revision Commission. With enough letters, we could see in the 2018 ballot: Would you like emotional literacy to be taught in all schools? Learn more